Yoga - Meditation - Ayurvedic
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Samadhi Pada Part 1 on Spirit Ecstasy

Subject: Samadhi essential yoga technique to develop consciousness, come to the realization of the upper consciousness.

1. Here, (now) a statement of Yoga (data). 

2. Yoga is stopping the change of thinking. 

3. Then the seer is established in his own essential and fundamental nature. 

4. In other states there is assimilation (of the seer) with the modifications (of thinking). 

5. There are five modifications of the mind, and these are painful or non-painful. 

6. They are right knowledge or wrong knowledge, imagination (fantasy, imagination) sleep and memory. 

7. (Facts of) right knowledge (based on) direct understanding, inference or testimony. 

8. Incorrect knowledge is an erroneous understanding of something whose true form does not correspond to such a misconception. 

9. An image conjured up by words without any substance (to sustain) is imagination, imagination. 

10. This change of mind, which is based on the absence of any content, is sleep. 

11. Memory is not allowing anything that has experienced disappears. 

12. Control of these (being established) by play (never cease practice) and non-attachment. 

13. Abhyasa is the attempt to be firmly grounded in that state (namely citta Vrtti-nirodhah)  

14. These (ie Abhyasa, exercise) becomes firmly established (provided) continued for a long time without interruption and with reverent devotion. 

15. The realization of full control (of desires) in a person who has ceased to thirst for objects, both visible and invisible, is Vairagya, detachment. 

16. That is final Vairagya (detachment) in which, thanks to the aware (certified) are of Parusha, also stops the slightest desire for the gunas. 

17. Samprajnta Samadhi is that which is accompanied by reasoning, contemplation of pure bliss and consciousness are. 

18. The residual impression left in the mind, by releasing Prat Yaya (content of consciousness) prior exercise is the other (ie Asamprajnata Samadhi). 

19. Videhas (those without body) and Prakrtilayas (those who go into the matter) is born the cause. 

20. (In the case) of others (namely Upaya Prat Yaya Yogi) is preceded by the faith and confidence, energy, a good memory, and a high degree of intelligence necessary for Samadhi. 

21. Samadhi is very close to those whose desire (for Samadhi) is intensely strong. 

22. A further distinction (formed) by the weak, moderate or intense (nature of the means which are used). 

23. Or by self-surrender to God. 

24. Isvara is a particular Parusha, untouched by afflictions of life, actions and consequences and the impressions produced by these actions. 

25. His is the loftiest limit of omniscience. 

26. Since he is not conditioned by time, He is the teacher, even the ancients. 

27. His indicator is (he is referred to by) "OM". 

28. Continuous repetition and meditation on its meaning. 

29. It (follows) the disappearance of obstacles and turning inward of consciousness. 

30. Disease, languor, doubt, carelessness, laziness, worldliness, delusion, inability to gain a foothold; inconstancy, this nine caused the confusion of thought and that the barriers. 

31. (Mental) pain, despair, nervousness and heavy breathing are symptoms of a thought which is in a scattered state. 

32. In order to remove this obstacle out of the way (there must be) a continuous (uninterrupted) practice of a truth or principle. 

33. The mind becomes purified by cultivating attitudes of kindness, compassion, joy, equanimity, regarding respectively happiness, misery, virtue and depravity. 

34. Or by exhalation of breath holding. 

Up to 35. The operation (function) coming from the (higher) senses is also helpful (of auxiliary) to the firm making of mind. 

36. And also by inner experience states of peace and enlightenment. 

37. And keep it mind, fixed on those 
who are free from attachment (helps achieve stability). 

38. (is thinking) that relies on knowledge derived from (their steadfastness) to dreams or dreamless sleep. 

39. Or if required by meditation. 

40. His mastery ranges from the smallest atom to the widest infinity. 

41. In the case of someone whose Cittavrttis almost eradicated, is fusion or general merge of knower, the knowing (knowledge) known and established as happens with a translucent gemstone (lying on a colored surface). 

42. Savitarka Samadhi is that state of Samadhi in which (a) knowledge, which is only based on words; (b) true knowledge and (c) ordinary knowledge based on sensory perception or reasoning, blended present and the conscious mind (the attention) there are alternately directed. 

43. If the memory becomes clearer, as the mind its essential nature (subjectivity), as it were lost, and only radiates the true knowledge of the object (by the mind back) to reach Nivitarka Samadhi. 

44. With this (that is, with what has been said in the previous two sutras) are Savicara and Nirvicara Samadhi and the subtler stages also sets put. 

45. The grounds of Samadhi concerned with subtle objects extends to the Alinga (last) Stadium Gunas. 

46. This (stages, corresponding to mat subtle objects) constitute only Samadhi with "seed". 

47. In obtaining the highest possible purity of the Nirvicara stage of Samadhi, starting to carry the spiritual light. 

48. Since consciousness is the bearer of truth and justice. 

49. Knowledge based on inference or testimony other than direct knowledge obtained in the higher states of consciousness (1.48) because they are limited to a particular object (or aspect). 

50. The impression therefore (ie Sabija Samadhi) is brought other impressions in the way. 

51. When it is also shut-down thereof, is due to the stoppage of all the (modifications of the reflection device) "Samadhi Without Seed" (reached).