Yoga - Meditation - Ayurvedic
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Hatha yoga Pradipika 2

Chapter 2 Hatha yoga Pradipika
1.De Yogi should practice Pranayama himself perfectly in asana under the Teacher's instructions, with his senses under control as he observes a humble and good diet. 

2. When the energy is floating over the thought flinched when energy is silent then the intellect also stilled Yogi acquires the power of silence. 
Therefore, the energy must be controlled. 

3.Men says here exists only as long as there is flow in the body; getting out of which energy flow is death. 
Therefore, it is necessary to control the flow of energy under control. 

4. When the energy channels are filled with impurities, the flow is not in the middle.
How can occur thoughtlessness?
How can the goal be achieved?

5. When all the energy channels, which have been purified are full of impurities than just the Yogi is an expert in the control of the energy flows. 

6.The Center shall be practiced daily energy management intelligence which dominates the sattvic element Susumna until the channel is free from impurities. 

7.De Yogi which the Padmasana attitude assumes needs to drain the energy inwardly along the Moon and after he has retained it for as long as possible, it should then flow out through the sun. 

8.Je let Prana flow through Pingala, you fill the inside slowly. you perform as required from Kumbakha, it must flow through Ida. 

9.De energy you need to let flow through the same nostril where the outflow is done, then, after you have completed kumbakha you have to let flow along the other, slowly and never quickly. 

10.If the Pranamaya inward flows along Ida, it is thus indicated that you have to make to flow along the other; If you let it flow in through Pingala then, after you've held you have to let flow along the other (left) Ida. Those who perfected have in Yama, (which stands for refusal) (generally, there is impatience and impatience is violence or desire) 
Through these exercises, a constant to be carried out in accordance with these instructions, along right and left channels, their Energy channels get purified in not less than three months. 

11.Men should practice good Kumbakha 4 times a day morning, afternoon, evening and midnight. step by step until the number is 80. 

12.In the first stage, there is perspiration; In the second, upper felt throughout the body; And at the highest stage Prana goes to the primary site. (Brahmarandhra), therefore, one has to control energy. 

13.Wrijf the body perspiration resulting from fatigue exercise. This gives the body strength and lightness. 

14.In is recommended that the early stages of practice to mix the food (rice) with milk and clarified butter (ghee). But when the exercise is these restrictions need not be followed further advanced. 

15.Zoals the lion, the elephant and the tiger is tamed gradually, so also Pranayama should be practiced. Otherwise, it will kill the practitioner. 

16.Door proper practice of pranayama is freedom from all ziekten.Bij a wrong path in yoga, you get all the diseases on you. 

17.Bij a wrong use of Pranayama follows hiccups, asthma, disease of the bronchial tubes, pain in the head, ears, and eyes, and various other diseases. 

18.Men must step by step, the energy out, and inlets stromen-; one must hold it step by step. In this way, reached perfection. 

19.When the Nadis are purified there are external signs; Flexibility and glare of the body are finally produced. 

20.Als one is able to control the breath as desired, as the gastric fire becomes more active, and nada is heard (inner sound) is perfect health, because all the Nadi's are purified. 

21.Zij which limp and cool (fasted) would be first (for the practice of Pranayama) to carry out the six steps: others (which these deviations do not) would not have to practice them, the three humors (wind, bile, phlegm) be balanced in them. 

22.De six steps Dhauti, Vasti, Neti, Trataka, Nauli called Kapalabhati. 

23.Deze six steps which purify the body would have to be kept secret, because they effect different miraculous results, and are (as such) in high esteem retained by the large-Yogins s. 

24.Hier (is) Dhauti (described): slowly swallow a piece of clothing of 4 fingers wide and 15 spans a long time in accordance with the instructions of the Guru. Pull it out again. This process is called Dhauti. 

A long strip of a new Muslim garment can suffice. Swallow the first day one span and amplified this daily I span. The fabric should be slightly warm. 

25.Bij efficacy of Dhauti disappear bronchial diseases, asthma, Phila (diseases of heaviness), leprosy (and similar skin diseases) and twenty other diseases caused by slime. Here is no doubt about it. 

26.Dan (is) Vasti (described) seated in the water up to the navel into the Utkatasana ( the body resting on the toes of the foot, the heel contact pressure against the buttocks), rather than a (small bamboo) tube into the anus and pull the anus (so the water withdraws it and release it shakes). This washing is Vasti. 

27. By the power of Vasti are Gulma and Phila (enlargement of glands and spleen), Udara (stomach illness) and all diseases arise heal from an abundance of wind, bile and phlegm. 

The bamboo tube must be long six fingers, and a length of four fingers has to enter the anus. Some practice Vasti without tube, but it is very dangerous, because not all the water comes out and causes many diseases. The two processes described above should not be performed after a meal, nor should it delay the taking of food below. 

28.Dit is Jalavasti if it (properly) is practiced, body composition (dhatus), the senses (indriya-s) and internal organs (antakharana) refined; it makes (the body) lively and promotes digestion (-skracht); it breaks all disturbances (disease) into the (physical) constitution. 

29.Dan (is) Neti (described): put through the nose opening is a smooth (Yzeren) pin with the length of a hand-span (approximately nine inches) inwards and pull it back over the outside of the mouth. This is called the Siddha-s Neti. 

The pin should not have buttons. The way to do this is to stop one end in the nose and keep the other nostril closed with your finger, breathe in and out through the mouth. When practicing this process, the pin in the mouth. Grab it and pull it out. One can also get in one nostril and start pulling out through the other again. 

30.Dit purifies the (vicinity of) the skull and gives the ability to perceive subtle things. Also Neti removes all diseases above the shoulders. 

31.Dan (is) Trataka (described) look with motionless eyes (without flash) full concentration to a very small object until the tears flow down. This is called by the teachers Trataka. 

32.Bij Trataka, removes all eye diseases and laziness, etc. can be overcome. It should be kept secret as a gold box. 

33.Dan (is) Nauli (described above): with the shoulders bent downwards, one would have to turn around the stomach to the right and to the left, with the speed of a rapidly rotating vortex. This is called the Siddha-s Nauli. 

34.Deze Nauli, the crown of Hatha yoga, it stimulates gastric fire if it is dull, promotes digestion (-skracht), brings about happiness and destroys all diseases and irregularities in the voting. 

35.Dan (is) Kapaiabhati (described): enter the recaka (exhalation) and Puraka (breathing in) quickly out like the bellows of a blacksmith. This is called Kapalbhati and destroys mucus diseases. 

36.Bevrijd of corpulence, phlegmatic defects, impurities, etc. by the (execution of the above), six steps, one might have the Pranayama (may) practice. Then success (in Yoga) achieved without tension. 

37.Sommige teachers say that all impurities (the Nadi-s) are removed will be accepted only by Pranayama and other acts (the above six) (by them). 

38.Dan (is) Gajakarani (described below): (Yogi-s) draw the Apana to the throat and let the substances (food, water, etc) that broke out in the stomach. Gradual exercise (this act) which all Nadi-s will be Gajakarani control called by those who know Hatha -yoga. 

39.Zelfs Brahma and other gods indulged in the practice of Pranayama because of the fear of death. So, one should exercise to control breathing. 

40.Zolang the energy the body is restrained. As long as the spirit (mind) is calm and quiet, while the view is focused on the center of the eyebrows, why should there be fear of death? 

41.Als Nadi chakra is purified by a fairly regular stream of Pranayama, the power of breath opens the mouth of the Susumna and get in easily. 

42.Als the breath flows through the Susumna, the mind becomes quiet. This peace of mind is the state Manonmani (or Unmani) called. 

43.Om achieve this, they practice who know the different types of procedure Kumbhaka-. By practice of different Kumbhaka-s are different Siddhi-s was obtained. 

As stated in the Bhagavata-purana, obtained through practice of Yoga, all these Siddhi-s that are both obtained by previous karma, alsdoor the use of herbs, as well as by religious austerity and mantra-s. 

44.De different Khumbhaka-s are now (described below), there are eight different Khumbhaka-s, namely Suryabhedana, Ujjayi, Sitkari, Sitali, Bhastrika, Bhramari, Murcha and Plavini. 

45.Aan the end of inhalation (Puraka), the Jaiamdhara-bandha should be practiced. At the end of Kumbhaka and at the beginning of exhalation (recaka) Uddiyana Bandha should be practiced. The first Bandhas is described in chapter 3. 70, and the second in section 3.57. 

46.Door the simultaneous contraction of the throat (in the Jalamdhara-bandha), and the anus (in the Mula-bandha), and by pulling in the (sub) stomach (in the Uddiyana-bandha), flows through the Prana the Susumna (Brahma-nadi). 

If one has learned from his Guru the Jihva-bandha, this first and then jalamdhara-bandha to octenes in the Pranayama follows easily. But if one does not know the Jihva-bandha, one would have to follow the procedure given above. These three Bandha-s to be learned from the Guru, because if they are done incorrectly they can carry different diseases. 

Establish 47.De Apana (the contraction of the anus) Prana would the throat must be brought down. The Yogi is (then) a youth of sixteen, freed from old age. 

Here are the Mula-bandha and described the Jalamdhara-bandha; the third, Uddiyana-bandha has not been mentioned because it naturally follows from the above. 

48.Dan Suryabedhana: Yogi take an Asana so that it fits comfortably. He must slow the energy from the outside through the right channel to get-Pingala. 

49.Na the influx, he must practice Kumbakha and keep the energy up to the limit fixed to (so) it is felt his hair on his head until the end of his nail the toes; Then he has to flow slowly exhausts the energy through the left channel energy. 

50.Deze excellent Surya bedhana must be practiced again and again, because it purifies the brains, the diseases arising from excess wind destroys and cures diseases caused by worms (bacteria, etc.). 

51.Nu is explained Ujjayai - closes the mouth-Trek energy slowly by the (both) nostrils in until it is felt to be heard from the throat to the heart. 

52.Voer Kumbakha out as before. Let the energy out along ida. This exercise removes disorder of the throat caused by mucus and stimulates the fire in the body. 

53.The eliminates disease Energy Channels and tissue type diseases as well as gout. Walking or erect these Kumbhaka is to be performed. 

54. Now Sitkari; you make a hissing sound in the mouth during the inflow and allows only the flow of energy through the nostril. 
By Yoga comprising the repeated practice of this Sitkari, there is a second god of beauty. 

55.Hij is an object ranked higher in the circles of Yogini programs; He is able to create and to destroy; Neither hunger nor thirst, drowsiness or sleep to come to him. 

56.Door this exercise power acquired for the body, and the Lord of the Yogis, is certainly free from diseases of any kind on this earthly sphere. 

57.Dan is explained Sitali; you put the tongue a little off your lips. you get energy inside the tongue (curled to resemble the beak of a bird) leads you Kumbakha as above, then the intelligent practitioner must gradually exhausts the energy flow through the nostrils. 

58.Deze Kumbakha called Sitati destroys diseases of the stomach, spleen and other diseases like fever, disorders, hunger, thirst and the dangerous effects of poison. 

59.Dan is described Bhastrika: when the two feet are placed on the opposite thighs, which is the Padmasana that destroys all the negative effects. 

60 + 61. After correctly assumed the lotus position, with the neck and abdomen in a line, the intelligent practitioner to close the mouth and flow of energy through the nostrils with power to reverberate it is felt in the heart, the throat to then to the cranium within the energy must flow quickly until it touches the lotus of the heart. 

62 + 63. Once again, he has to flow out in the same way and thus to flow again and again. Like the blacksmith works with his bellows with speed, he must take his mind, the prana in the body in constant motion in the outflow and inflow. When fatigue is felt in the body, it must inlets to flow through the right nostril. 

64.Nadat the interior of the body is quickly filled with energy, the nose should be tightly closed with the thumb, the ring finger and little finger. 

65.Nadat Kumbakha is implemented as prescribed, you should exhaust the energy flow through the left nostril. This exercise takes away the disorder caused by an excess of wind, bile, phlegm and increases the heat in the body. 

66.Dit awakens the Kundalini quickly, and is purifying, pleasant and beneficial. It takes away the obstacles caused by phlegm, bile and wind that exist at da mouth Susumna. 

67.Deze Kumbakha called Bastrika must be specially practiced because it allows energy to vomit stuck around three knots Susumna. 

68.Dan explains Bhramari: lets you quickly enroll with a resonance that resembles the sound of a male bee, you let flow slowly after Kumbhaka, and you make it hummende sound of the female bee. Through Yoga, which consists of this exercise, there is an indescribable bliss in the hearts of the best among the Yogis. 

69.Dan described Murcha: fixed at the end of the inflow, keep quite Jaiamdhara bandha, exhale slowly. This is called Murcha because it brings back the mind is provided to inaktiviteit and salvation. 

70.Dan explains Plavini: thanks to the energy that has been largely inside, and the inside is completely filled, the Yogi floats easily, even in the deep waters, like a lotus leaf. 

71.Pranayama is threefold (consisting of) recaka, Puraka and Kumbhaka. There are two types of Kumbhaka known: Sahita and Kevala. 

72.Zolang can not reach your Kevala Kumbhaka, you must practice Sahita. 

72-73.Zonder exhalation or inhalation, when the energy is easily held within, this kind of Pranayama called Kumbhaka Kevala. 

73-74.Wanneer well learned this Kevala Kumbhaka is without exhalation or inhalation, there is nothing unattainable for him in the three worlds. 

74-75.Degene that is fully suitable by those Kevala Kumbhaka, by the control of the energy. even acquires the stage of Raja Yoga. There is no doubt. 

75.Door Kumbhaka awakened Kundalini. By awakening Kundalini Susumna is free from all obstacles and achieved perfection in Hatha yoga. 

76.Je can not achieve perfection in Raja Yoga without Hatha Yoga, nor (perfection in Hatha Yoga without Raja Yoga. Therefore be practiced both to perfection (reached in Raja Yoga).

77.Aan the end of the retention of energy in Kumbhaka, the mind must be free of objects. By such practice of Raja Yoga, the stage is reached. 

78.De drawing (perfection) Hatha Yoga are: slimness of the body, rays of the face are clearly of inner sound (nada), all bright eyes, are free of disease, control of bodily fluids, smart ulate from the (consuming) fire, and complete purification of the Nadi '