Yoga - Meditation - Ayurvedic
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Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the most authoritative and useful book for the yoga practitioner.
Patanjali is known as the 'father' of yoga. He lived two centuries in the time before Christ, the knowledge of the truth was transmitted orally. Only much later Patanjali lessons are written in sutras.
In ancient times was allowed to learn the sutras by heart and was regularly and deeply studied to reveal its hidden meaning. But modern student wants to be convinced that the practice of yoga is worth and want a more detailed and comprehensive treatment of the subject.
I Taimni has the daunting task undertaken to provide the sutras commented upon in order to meet this need. The result is the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali explaining the fundamental and true teachings of yoga in a concise manner.
The great sage, Patanjali , ordained the first yoga knowledge about 2600 years ago and is unanimously considered the father of yoga. He was the first Yoga Proverbs (Sutras) stated in writing. Before his time they were transmitted orally. In recognition of the value of his work are his contemporaries the title 'RÄ ?? yes, Royal, passed. All current types of Yoga originated from the original text of Patanjali.

The book consists of four parts:

Part 1 focuses on the general nature of yoga and his technique ie with the question "What is yoga?". 
Part 2 deals with the filosfie the kleshas in other words to the question "Why should anyone actually practice yoga" and the first five exercises of yoga technique. 
Part 3 deals with the other exercises of yoga technique and the gains that can be achieved by the practice thereof. 
Section 4 is a summary of all the key philosophical issues involved in the study and practice of yoga.
Part 1:
Samadhi Pada (the Spirit of Ecstasy)
Subject Samadhi, the essential yoga technique to develop consciousness, come to the realization of the upper consciousness. More information about Samadhi Pada
Part 2:
Sadhana Pada (the training).
Subject Sadhana, the establishment of the objective pursued by first making the student physically, mentally, emotionally and morally suitable for practicing the higher stages of Yoga. More information about Sadhana Pada
Part 3:
Vibuti Pada (on developing psychic abilities higher).
Subject to the powers or siddhis, which develop when one practices the higher form of yoga. Please note that the siddhis are not objective, because that is the liberation. This gives the siddhis gradually. More information about Vibuti Pada
Part 4:
Kaivalya Pada (the liberation, unification).