Yoga - Meditation - Ayurvedic
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Vata information

Characteristics of Vata

Vata principle of movement.
Vata is the constitution which is formed by the element of fire under the influence of the element ether. It is the lightest and most mobile of the three doshas. Air you can not grab and so it is with this type of person.
Regarding disease is said that 60% of all diseases to have a vata disturbance. Vata may cause imbalance in Pitta and Kapha, Vata because movement and is present in all the systems of the three forces. It regulates and activates the other two doshas.


Vata disorders are related to a disturbance of regularity, rest, warmth. Also, concerns and other nervous system damaging types of stress have a vata-increasing effect. Diseases arise partly from thinking and are perhaps the major diseases of our time, such thinking in judgments and prejudices, think state living under pressure.
The bodily functions are governed by Vata: the basis of movement in all systems, the circulatory system, nervous system, muscles and breathing.

Seat of Vata in the body: head, the colon

Physical characteristics of Vata: small stature, dry tight skin, the hair is often dry and dark with a tendency to baldness, big teeth sometimes irregular, nails are rough, dry and / or fragile, eyes are dry and small bowel is irregular, voice is high, sexual life is irregular, rapid gait and movement, erratic eater, sleep is light, hates cold weather.

Mental characteristics of Vata

Full of enthusiasm, creative, cheerful, resourceful, quick-witted and quick to speak of; bright appearance, short-term memory is good, long-term memory is poor, gives easy money.

Vatadosha - element of air / ether - quality is movement

Vatabalancerend living and nutrition

  • Ensure regularity in your life. Make a rough schedule for your daily schedule so that you can keep it and do it consistently. Place them three meals at set times as a kind of anchor points.
  • Get plenty of rest of your days. Plan your work so that there is sufficient spread over the working and caring also for leisure / day (s) out there for you.
  • Get plenty of sleep, at least eight hours. Although you do not have to get up very early, sleeping late is not good unless exceptionally when you are very tired. It is better to get up at a normal time between 6:30 and 7:30 am and between 22:00 and 23:00 to go to bed. Clean only in exceptional cases later. When it is needed and it fits into your schedule, there is no objection to a short break in the early afternoon.
  • Take time for a morning ritual, for example, (possibly stimulate chakras) a self-massage with warm (sesame) oil and then a long shower When you meditate, it is good to do so now. Then Always breakfast. Consider lunch as the main meal and when that is not possible, see him at least as important. Spend there care. Lunch between 12:00 and 13:30. The evening meal, place between 18.00 and 19.30. Eating while not too particular. Better you shortly before bedtime take another small snack (22:00)


Vata-balancing diet, the taste sweet and salty. Think of not sweet at first (refined) sugars, which are also for vata's not so good. The sweet taste is also generated by the digestion of carbohydrates, especially grains like. The flavors raise bitter and sour just the vatadosha. Because a good ayurvedic meal contains all six tastes (sweet, salty, sour, pungent, bitter and astringent / astringent) can be of different flavors or (very) small amounts of processing in the meal. The use of ghee and / or (sesame) oil in the meal is good. Please use the cold-pressed sesame oil, you can buy organic / health food store.
Hot foods to soothe vata. Also hot herbal tea (eg gotu-kola tea) is good. Caffeine and theine are not suitable for vata. Try to limit or avoid alcohol as well. Warming spices are good for vata-meal. Fresh ginger is very good in tea, minced with salt as an appetizer, be cooked or baked. Warm milk is good for vata. Put a spoonful of honey.

By using preference *:

  • Vegetables: asparagus, beets, turnips, cucumber, radish, green beans, onion / garlic (raw not), carrots, sweet potatoes.
  • Legumes: chickpeas, mung beans, lentils, tofu, soy (not too much)
  • Fruit: apricots, pineapples, avocados, bananas, currants, dates, grapes, cherries, coconut, mango, melons, nectarines, peaches, plums, oranges (sweet), figs, ripe and sweet fruit iha
  • Cereals: oats, rice, wheat.
  • Dairy: all dairy products (but do not take yogurt or cottage cheese after dinner)
  • Meat: chicken, turkey, fish and shellfish.                      
  • Oils: all allowed. Sesame oil is preferred (see above).         
  • Sweeteners: all can, but in moderation.
  • Nuts / seeds: all can, but in moderation. Almonds are preferred.
  •  Herbs:

anise, basil, tarragon, mace, ginger, bay leaves, cinnamon, cumin, cloves, marjoram, mustard seed, nutmeg, oregano, sage, thyme, fennel, liquorice, black pepper (moderate)
For all other products, it is good to limit the use. Stewed in oil makes many vegetables for vata better suited. Avoid fruit with a bitter or sour taste, such as chicory. Avoid or limit raw vegetables. Also avoid cabbage and Brussels sprouts (gas is vata-increasing). No herbs like fenugreek, coriander, parsley, celery. Do not use unripe fruit. Also avoid red meat.
Many people fear that makes a vata-balancing dietary fat (sweet). It is not necessary. It is important therefore to meter the amount of food good. Especially the evening meal is less easily processed. Keep it limited. However, a small snack at 16.00 and 22.00 will not hurt at an empty feeling in the stomach.

Vata guidelines summarized:

  • Warm food because vata is cold in nature. Soft cooked cooked food that digests easily. Think stews, casseroles, hot milk, porridge;
  • Regularity in the diet, empty stomach upsets vata;
  • Add butter and fat because vata is dry;
  • Tastes sweet, acid, and salt;
  • take nutritious breakfast, for example, rice pudding or semolina, porridge;
  • In the afternoon, when the vata energy drops, hot tea with something sweet;
  • Herbs like fennel, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom;
  • As a snack for example salted nuts, heavy, oil-rich, calm vata. Especially almonds are good, best when ground into paste and almonds overnight soaked in water and peeled. Also, tahini, sesame paste is good, warms and balances vata;
  • Sweet fruit, apples and pears cook;
  • Salad limit and with an oil-rich sauce;
  • "Wrong" vegetables you can stew in oil;
  • Pasta kinds calming;
  • Coffee, tea, nicotine disturb vata.

Vata properties are identified by the following characteristics:

  • physically normal to undeveloped, flat chest;
  • too long or too small, with visible joints;
  • poor muscle development;
  • curly or frizzy, sometimes flax hair;
  • often thin and delicate eyelashes, sometimes very long;
  • deep but active and expressive eyes;
  • cold, dry and cracked skin, sometimes combined with an impure skin;
  • brittle nails and rough;
  • curved or very straight, slightly large nose;
  • little urine or urinating often very little;
  • little sweat or perspiration coming slowly, sometimes bursts of perspiration;
  • sleep disturbances;
  • little sleep;
  • cold hands and feet.

Digestion, appetite, food and drink of the Vata type

  • Like sour and salty tastes;
  • Varying appetite;
  • Keep hot beverages.

Characteristics of the type Vata

  • Short memory when there is little interest;
  • long and good memory when there's interest exists;
  • quick-witted;
  • weak willpower
  • mentally unstable;
  • quickly irritated;
  • lack of trust;
  • lack of courage;
  • nervousness;
  • anxiety;
  • restlessness;
  • give money very easy out, so are often poor.

Get it in balance Vata

Routine is very important for the Vata type. Without routine takes the vata type quickly out of balance. Food and sleep at regular intervals is one of the most important things for Vata to get back into balance. Take adequate rest and thereby always choose an environment, relationships and power that balances Vata and loves. Feelings of fear and anxiety will already to a large extent will decrease. Always stay so warm and calm as possible. Steam and moisture can help well. Avoid lots of travel, especially by air, loud noise, drugs, sugar and alcohol, but also avoid exposure to cold and a little cold dishes.

In short, you can best keep the following in mind:

  • spend more routine;
  • eat and sleep regularly and get plenty of rest;
  • help steam and moisture;
  • Avoid lots of travel, especially by air;
  • Avoid loud noises;
  • do not do drugs;
  • Avoid sugar;
  • avoid alcohol;
  • do not eat cold food;
  • do not drink cold drinks;
  • Avoid stress;
  • Avoid overwork;
  • avoid time pressure;
  • Avoid uncooked foods;
  • Avoid cold and windy weather, so stay inside;
  • do not smoke.


Vata types can eat fruit or something light. People with Vata is out of balance, respond very well to hot, humid and heavy food with grease or oil. Raw or cold foods you should avoid. Choose prefer hot meals. Even feel vata types are often attracted to foods with a bitter, astringent taste, yet their constitution is only brought into balance by eating sweet, sour and salty tastes.
Vata is rather unbalanced in the fall and winter. In these periods would each type which can take some nourishment vata reduced, thus again bringing more balance. The list below can be used to balance vata again.


* Means this food can often be eaten
# Means the food can be eaten occasionally. 

General Information: Fruit always apart consuming the meal, preferably one hour before a meal.                                                


dried    Sweet
icebound    strawberries
apples    apricots
Dates    pineapples
cranberries    Apples (cooked)
Pomegranates    avocados
quinces    bananas
pears    berries
prunes    lemons
watermelons    Dates (fresh)
Dried or raw    Cooked
potatoes    Potatoes (sweet)
Aardoeren *    artichokes
Eggplants    asparagus
Beet Green *    beets
chlorophyll *    Beans (cooked green)
Cauliflower    courgettes
Broccoli#    Fenegriekgroen
mushrooms    Fleskalabas (yellow)
peas    cucumbers
Kliswortels    kohlrabi
turnip    Horseradish#
Turnip Green *    mustard Green
kohlrabi    Okra (cooked)
peppers    Olives (black / goen)
Oeterselie *    Parsnip
Celery    pumpkins
lettuce *    Pumpkins (summer)
Kool (close)    Leeks (cooked)
Spinach*    Radish (daikons)
Sprouts*    Onions (cooked)
Tomatoes    Watercress
Onions (raw)    winter Pumpkins
Corn (fresh)    carrots
Cold. dry andor    Amaranth *
intumescent grains    Oats (cooked)
Buckwheat    Rice (all types incl. Brown)
Barley#    Wheat
Millet    wild rice
Oats (dry)     
oat Bran     
Rice Cake #     
Wheat bran (excess)     
rabbit    Duck and duck eggs
Lamb    Eggs
Varkensvles    "Fruits de mer"
venison    Shrimps
     Chicken or turkey
     (White meat)
     freshwater fish
channa dal    Moderation:
Chinese beans    aduki beans
Lentils (ordinary)    Lentils (red and black)
Kala channa *    mung beans
chickpeas    soy Cheese
kidney beans    Soy milk (liquid)
lima beans    tofu
Pinto Beans    Tur dal
soybeans    Turkish beans
soybean meal     
soybean Powder     
Split Peas     
White beans     
Black beans     
peanuts    Moderation:
     brazil nuts
     Pain Bean Seeds
psyllium #    Pumpkin
White sugar    Maple syrup
     maple Syrup
     Fruit (most types)
     barley malt Syrup
     Palm sugar
     Rice syrup (or ozya)
     Juice (conc)
chillies *    Lemon (pickle)
Gemder (dry)    dulse
Ketchup    Ginger (fresh)
sprouts *    ghee
Ui (raw)    gomasio
     Cheese (grated)
     Coriander leaves *
     Cottage cheese
     mango Pickle
     Mint leaves *
     papaya Chutney
     Radish (daikon)
     Sesame seeds (black)
     lettuce *
     soy sauce
     Ui (cooked)
     sea ​​vegetables
     Black pepper
curry Leaves    Ajwan
     almond extract
     Asafoetida (hung)
     Cayenne *
     fenugreek *
     Ginger (fresh)
     Coriander leaves *
     Laurie Journal
     horseradish *
     mustard Seeds
     Mint leaves *
     poppy Seeds
     Bell pepper
     Pepper (black)
     pink Water
     Orange peel
     Ui (cooked)
Goat milk (powder)    all dairy products
     goat Cheese
     Goat Milk (liquid)
     Cheese (hard) *
     Cheese (soft)
     cow milk
     Cream (sour) *
     All oils are good, especially
     sesame oil
Alcohol*    apricot juice
Apple juice    aloes
Caffeine    Almond
Carob #    pineapple juice
cranberry juice    banana Shake
pomegranate juice    Bessesap
Iced drinks    Chocolate*
Carbonated drinks    grape juice
pear juice    cereal Drinks
Pruimesap #    grapefruit juice
Tea (sharp) #    Vegetable stock*
Tomato juice    cherry juice
figs Shake    Coconut milk
Dairy (cold)    Lemonade
Coffee    mango juice
     Milk (hot, gedruid)
     peach Nectar
     orange juice
     Soy milk (hot and spicy) *
     Fruit Juices (mixed)
     Root vegetable mix
     Dairy Beverages (warm, fresh)
     Acidic juices / teas
Strawberry*    Ajwan
borage    Bansha
blackberry    Basil
Nettle*    lemon balm
Chrysantheum *    eucalyptus
Duizenblad    fenugreek
Barley#    Raspberry*
Hibiscus*    Ginger (red, wild, fresh)
Hop*    ginseng *
Hasmijn *    haw
Kliswortels    oat Straw
Luzerne **    marshmallow
corn Plume    Hyssop
Mormons Tea    juniper
Dandelion    camomile
Passion *    Cinnamon
Red clover *    catnip
Violet*    Clove
Wintergreen *    Lavender
Yerba maté    Lemongrass
     Mint (green)
     pink Blossom