Yoga - Meditation - Ayurvedic
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Cleaning cures

When our cleaning systems are not working properly then our food systems can not function properly.

We may only again good food and our intestines are empty. Cleaning is a very important issue concerning our health.

Ayurvedic, the pancha karma as the most comprehensive purification of body and mind . Here the body is stimulated to release and discharge of waste at a cellular level. It is a very profound experience with an impact on all areas of life.
It consists of the following cleanings, which depends on the birth constitution and the current condition will be applied:

  • Cleaning colon;
  • Cleaning small intestine;
  • Cleaning of the stomach;
  • of the blood purification (phlebotomy is not to be applied in the Netherlands)
  • Cleaning the facial cavities.

There are also plenty of opportunities to apply cleaning techniques easily at home. All these techniques are used to remove waste from the body, mucus and remove excess fat and spirit in balance to make.

1. Neti, cleaning the nose

The cleanser to clean called neti pot. The special pot with a spout has a thickening, which can easily stop in the nose. The game is lukewarm water with a small half a teaspoon of salt. Put the nozzle in the left nostril and pour water so that it again walk out through the right nostril. When the jar is half empty your change of nostril and running water are left out.
Then you go for example to sink stand at an angle of 90 degrees. Several times now soft blow to the left - lower - right up to some water that may still sitting in blow out. The nose of dry inside, for example toilet paper. For vata's do a little almond oil on top of the little finger and gently massage over the nose to prevent dryness.

What might be good to know;

  • In the beginning a lot of mucus come loose all day. You have irritated mucous membranes.
  • Sometimes it seems like you're going to be very cold (in the beginning when you do this). The experience is that it quickly goes on.
  • Massage after these techniques a little ghee, sesame oil or almond oil into your nose. This softens and smears.
  • The cavity behind the nose can be rough in the beginning and even give some sore throats. This too quickly changes the experience.
  • When the water pouring through the nose can sometimes experienced pressure in the head as they pour too fast or the head is not in the correct position.
  • Eyes are often tears. If this happens it is a part of the cleaning.
  • If the water is too cold or there is too much or too little salt, then there is pain.

Advantages of this purification;

  • The hot water passes through the nerve endings contained in the nose. The limbic system is that portion of the brains that relates to the emotionality and sexuality. It consists of parts of the brains, and large parts of the intermediate brains. The limbic system is the seat of emotions: aggression, agitation, anger, anxiety, sexual interest, etc. By applying the cleaning there is more harmony, peace in mind.
  • Cleans the cavities in the forehead and the point between the eyebrows (third order), where stress might accumulate.
  • The concentration will improve indirectly.
  • Headaches will be less or disappear.
  • There is a direct connection from the limbic system to the medulla oblongata. This is responsible for the blood pressure, pulse, respiration. Therefore, this technique is good for high blood pressure and asthmatic bronchitis.
  • Has a soothing and relaxing effect on the entire face. It helps tired eyes and facial pain.
  • It clarifies the effect on consciousness.
  • It cleanses the nasal cavities and the mucus, making breathing more deeply.
  • Left and right hemispheres are balanced via ida and pingala.


  • Depression;
  • High bloodpressure;
  • Insomnia;
  • stress;
  • Restlessness;
  • sinusitis;
  • Throat Problems;
  • Respiratory Diseases.

Another possibility is the use of Ayurvedic nasal drops. 
Shatbindu Nasya: It opens a stuffy nose, is antiseptic and helps ENT inflammation. It can give a sharp tingle. Bringing Three to four drops in each nostril to gently and sniff. In the morning and evening use in a supine position.

2. Dauti, cleaning of the stomach

  • Kunjal: In the morning on an empty stomach can drink one liter of lukewarm water with salt. You drink the water quickly squat and then moves the knees one by one in the direction of the foot, then you stand up and go about watering. If this does not happen then you stabbing a finger in the throat. If the water does not come through surrender, will leave the matter after some time the body through the intestines. Kunjal get the mucus out of the stomach. The excess kapha.

 3. Cleaning of the small intestine

  • One can remove excess pitta at the end of the summer by mild laxatives, by taking once a week some castor oil. Senna is widely used in the West as a laxative. This, however, is very strong acting.

4. Cleaning of the large intestine

  • Ayurvedic uses enemas. Cleansing the colon is seen as highly beneficial, as the colon is the headquarters of vata vata and indeed which many problems (eg problems caused by stress) can provide. The most obvious and most important is cleaning up early every morning to the toilet. A good way to encourage this is to drink a glass of warm water with the juice of a fresh lemon and a little salt. The salt draws the waste from the bloodstream. One can possibly add some honey to taste. Then sit crouched with hands on knees, and for the knee to move to the floor. This gives a slight pressure on the intestines. Thereafter the toilet.
  • Some warm milk before bed will stimulate the intestines.
  • One can make do colonic irrigations in ayurvedic centers.

5. Cleaning the kidneys

  • By drinking whey. Boil milk and then add the juice of a lemon there. There now arises paneer, this young cheese. What remains is whey. It is not palatable to drink. One can possibly add some honey. This stimulates the kidney function.

6. Shankaprakshalana, the cleaning yoga

This can take place under the best expert guidance for the first time.
In the winter we eat more kapha-like, causing kapha accumulates in the body and the mind. In the spring goes by the temperature change the kapha "melt", also called "walking". The agni is lower and the food is less well digested by excess kapha.
We can get this excess kapha from the body by a simple cleaning cycle with water and salt. We thus cleanse the digestive tract. This cleaning can we possibly through Vamana, a fallow technique, excess kapha in chest - lung - Remove throat and sinuses.

Engineering shankaprakshalana 
This technique is described very precisely and effectively in the book listed below: Asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha, Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Bihar School of Yoga.

A brief description:

  • Drink 3-4 cups of warm water with sea salt or rock salt.
  • Do a series of yoga exercises.
  • Drink then again 1-2 cups of hot water with salt.
  • Repeat the series of exercises and so on until the water comes out through the intestines.

Once this process gets going is pretty fast. They drink two glasses of lightly salted water, repeat the exercise and often have to quickly go to the bathroom. The first bowel movement may take a while. Is the process going go as long until the water is almost clean, but still slightly turbid comes from the gut (there is some relief should remain in the intestines), and then it is ready. The whole thing takes about 2 hours. Do this in the morning before eating. Then 1-2 days, eat easily digestible food, especially the first day. For example kichari food (rice with mung beans).

7. Garshan, silk glove for massage ayurvedic

The massage with a silk glove allows for stimulation of the body's metabolism and blood circulation, carries away metabolic waste products, supports the lymphatic drainage and reduces cellulite. Here no oil is used. Ideal for reducing ama, weight loss or increased  kapha . The Garshan massage is done just as oil massage before showering.
The Garshan massage should not be performed at elevated vata , immediately before or after eating, not late at night, in sickness and not in women during pregnancy or menstruation.

8. abhyanga, oil massage

For the massage oil is sesame oil the most suitable oil. Use it cold-pressed sesame oil, a quarter cup is enough. Sesame oil has a stabilizing effect, but you notice that it is too sharp, use a softer oil or cold-pressed olive oil or sweet almond oil. Make sure the oil is heated slightly (by setting the example as the central heating or in a bowl on a tea light).
The best part is when you treat your body and then take a shower. But not everyone is always time enough for a abhyanga of the whole body. It is so beneficial that you better do a quick massage or anything. The main body parts are the head and the feet. They may be edited for a minute while you sit on a chair or on the edge of the bath.
This mini massage you need only about two tablespoons of sesame oil. Make small circular movements and use the flat hand (not the fingertips). After massaging take a hot shower.